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Family Law

Violation of Court Orders

What to Do When Your Ex Does Not Follow a Court Order 

May 23, 2024

In North Carolina, court orders, whether entered by a judge after hearing evidence or entered by a judge after the parties agreed to a set of terms, establish parameters for the parties to operate within. Orders may require specific actions of the parties, or they may require the parties to refrain from certain behaviors. While…

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Property Valuation During Divorce | Chatham County Divorce Lawyers

Property Valuation in North Carolina Divorce

May 16, 2024

In North Carolina, property division during divorce, termed equitable distribution, plays a crucial role in determining the final settlement. Understanding how property is valued can significantly impact the outcome of your case. Fair Market Value in Equitable Distribution Equitable distribution involves valuing marital assets and debts at their fair market value as of the date…

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Crisis Prevention, Domestic Violence Help | Chatham County Family Law Attorneys

Recognizing Mental and Emotional Abuse in Chatham County, North Carolina

March 19, 2024

Domestic violence encompasses more than just physical harm; it includes mental and emotional abuse, often unnoticed yet equally detrimental. Victims may feel intimidated and powerless. There are legal options and support available in Chatham County, North Carolina.   Understanding Domestic Violence Laws in Chatham County North Carolina has laws against domestic violence, which include behaviors causing…

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Child Support Modification

Child Support Modifications in North Carolina

January 2, 2024

Life’s unpredictability can sometimes impact a parent’s ability to fulfill child support obligations. Whether due to job loss, illness, economic downturns, or other unforeseen circumstances, many parents can struggle with child support payments. If you’re in this situation, you might wonder about the possibility of modifying your child support order. This guide will help you…

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Custody Agreements

Child Custody Agreements: Key Considerations for Parents

November 7, 2023

Child custody is a pivotal concern during a separation. When parents mutually agree on custody arrangements, it often results in a more successful outcome than court-imposed decisions. Here are tips to help you understand the intricacies of custody agreements and the role of experienced family law attorneys in helping to ensure. The Importance of Mutual…

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Divorce in the DIgital Age: Safety and Social Media

Divorce in the Digital Age & Social Media

October 25, 2023

Not surprisingly, North Carolina divorces today usually involve some type of dispute over digital media access or other information obtained through the means of social media. After all, almost everything is online, from our banking and financial accounts to our media. With the prevalent use of digital technology, it is common for spouses to not…

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Minimizing Divorce Effects for Happy Kids

10 Tips to Minimize Divorce Effects on Your Child

September 12, 2023

Divorce can be a challenging time for everyone involved, especially the children. How parents handle the situation can greatly impact how children cope with the changes. Here are some helpful tips to minimize the negative effects of divorce on your child: Seek Professional Help: It’s normal for children to show emotions like sadness or anger…

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What is Discovery?

Discovery in Family Law – What is it and Why is it Needed?

August 15, 2023

Discovery is a general term used to describe the process of evidence collection in a lawsuit. In most family law cases the discovery process plays a vital role in ensuring that both parties have adequate information to make informed decisions. While discovery may seem like an enormous, labor-intensive task, it is usually a critical component…

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Can PSS or Alimony be modified

Can I Modify My Child Support?

April 10, 2023

Over time both court orders and out of court agreements on child support may become outdated and require reconsideration. When it comes to issues surrounding child custody and child support, the court retains authority in each North Carolina court case to determine the best interests of a child and can enter orders that modify existing…

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Grandparents' Rights in NC

Grandparents’ Rights

August 17, 2022

Grandparents are allowed to seek visitation or custody of a grandchild only in limited situations in North Carolina. This is because the courts are not allowed to infringe on a parent’s constitutionally protected status or allow others to interfere with those parental rights without compelling reasons. In situations where a minor child is residing with…

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What is Considered Marital Property in North Carolina?

What is Considered “Marital Property” in North Carolina? 

August 17, 2022

Often the most frequently asked question about property division during a divorce is what property the other spouse is entitled to receive. In most cases, that question is not so easily answered. In North Carolina, once parties separate, the division of property, usually referred to as equitable distribution, begins with spouses identifying all property owned…

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How Your Date of Separation is Determined and Why it is Important

How the Date of Separation (DOS) is Determined and Why it is so Important 

August 17, 2022

The date of separation is an important date that establishes the date that spouses began residing in separate locations from each other with an intent to permanently separate. Under North Carolina law spouses must be separated from one another for at least one year and a day before the court will grant an absolute divorce.…

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Dangers of DIY Separation Agreements

Dangers of DIY Separation Agreements: Why You Shouldn’t Draft Your Own Separation Agreement

August 17, 2022

You can easily find online tools to aid in the self-preparation of many legal documents, including separation agreements. However, as convenient as they may seem, these ready-made forms can be filled with potential pitfalls that can do more harm than good. Fill-in-the-blank documents are “one-size-fits-all” and are rarely sufficient to address all the necessary considerations…

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How is a Dependent Spouse's Financial Need Assessed?

Can Alimony be Increased or Reduced? 

August 17, 2022

For matters of post-separation support and alimony that were resolved through the entry of a North Carolina court order, it is possible to have the terms modified or vacated, even after a divorce is final. Any requests for modifications are governed by NC Gen Stat § 50-16.9, and, similar to orders for child custody and…

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Factors in Child Custody Cases

What Factors are Considered in a North Carolina Child Custody Case? 

August 17, 2022

Parents who find themselves dealing with any type of child custody dispute, or anticipate having to go through a custody dispute, often find themselves asking what factors a judge considers when making a custody and visitation determination. Most parents can come to an understanding on custody, but when agreements are not possible, it becomes necessary…

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Can Alimony be Modified?

Can a PSS or Alimony Order be Modified? 

June 21, 2022

An order entered by the court for PSS or alimony may be modified or vacated at any time, upon application made to the court by either party and a showing of changed circumstances.  A change in circumstances that may warrant modification of an order for PSS or alimony may include a dependent spouse’s cohabitation or…

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How long will PSS and Alimony last?

How Long Will PSS and Alimony Last?

June 21, 2022

PSS typically lasts until 1) the date specified in the PSS order, 2) the date the court enters an order either awarding or denying alimony, or 3) the alimony claim is dismissed. Many alimony awards that are entered today are meant to be in the nature of rehabilitative support, and only provide resources to a…

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Is Adultery a Bar to PSS or Alimony?

Is Adultery a Bar to Post Separation Support or Alimony? 

June 21, 2022

Adultery falls under the definition of “illicit sexual behavior” which is defined as acts of sexual or deviate sexual intercourse, deviate sexual acts, or sexual acts defined in G.S. 14-27.20(4), voluntarily engaged in by a spouse with someone other than the other spouse.  Illicit sexual behavior, solely on the part of the dependent spouse will bar…

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Disposition of an Alimony Claim

Disposition of an Alimony Claim

June 21, 2022

All alimony cases are decided by a judge, not a jury. However, when marital misconduct has been alleged by either party, a party may request a jury trial on the issue of marital misconduct.  North Carolina Gen. Statute § 50-16.3A(b) sets forth a series of 16 factors to aid judges in determining alimony claims. Those factors…

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Disposition of a Post Separation Support Claim

Disposition of a Postseparation Support Claim

June 21, 2022

A party’s PSS claim is determined before the merits of his or her actual alimony claim are adjudicated. Consequently, the threshold for a spouse to be awarded PSS is much lower than alimony.  Finances are usually at the forefront of a PSS claim. In determining whether a spouse should be awarded PSS, a judge will consider…

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